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healthy recipes

Slow cooked meals

Slow Cooked Recipes

Here are some delicious healthy recipes that will see us all through the cooler months. So great to batch cook these go-to’s and freeze the leftovers for busy weeks. Let me know what you think of these slow cooked recipes. You don’t need a slow cooker, a crock pot or a casserole dish on medium-low in the oven, or on low heat on the stove… Read More »Slow Cooked Recipes

Christmas Cheer

These recipes are a little bit naughty – but also have a lot of nice healthy ingredients. A wise woman once told me, ‘if you are craving something chocolately, choose chocolate with fruit and nuts in it – so you get some beneficial fibres, healthy fats and minerals too’. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!! Download christmas-cheer recipe book Download    

Seven Healthy Snack Ideas to Improve Productivity – and a recipe!

Before you reach for the chippies, chocolates or energy drinks try these energy boosting snack ideas that will keep you going to the next main meal. Steering clear of simple carbohydrates is the key to healthy snacking. Low fibre, easily digested carbs found in refined grains (biscuits, breakfast cereals and breads) tend to raise your blood sugar, which can leave you hungry again in a… Read More »Seven Healthy Snack Ideas to Improve Productivity – and a recipe!